
Welcome to danielson.org, a project of Mark Danielson. There are many Danielson families, but this one is mine.

What's this all about?

Initially planned to be a geneology / ancestry site, my plans for danielson.org changed following the death of my mom, Kathleen Danielson, in 2015. My father had passed a number of years earlier, and while my mom had made a concerted effort ot clean out the house after he died, my brother and I found ourselves with a massive archive of family history in her basement—not just things from our parents' lives, but those of my brother and I, our grandparents, and many others as well.

The better part of two decades ago I attended Nikon School for a day in Chicago. It was a great program, but one thing stuck with me from it, something that had little to do with creating great photography. One of the instructors recounted getting a stupid gift, something that had no tangible value—except for the fact that it was from someone he cared about enough to feel some guilt about getting rid of it. Not wanting to keep it around cluttering up his house, he eventually struck upon the idea of taking a photo of it, and then giving it away. In one way he got to keep it, in another it no longer cluttered up his life.

It's my intention for danielson.org to fulfill a need like that. Clean out the files, clean out the history. Post it here, let it get swept up by the Internet Archive and Google, and let it become someone else's problem.

If any of it ends up being interesting to anyone else, all the better.

Much more to come.

Mark Danielson
July 2017